1st Training Workshop on Methods
Venue: University of Jyväskylä, Central Finland
Buildings: Agora, C-Building, Ruusupuisto, Kärki
18-22 March, 2020
02-05 September, 2020
Subject: 1st Training Workshop on Methods of the Neo-PRISM-C
Grant Agreement No. 813546
We are pleased to welcome you all to the 1st Training Workshop of the Neo-PRISM-C Project, to be held at the University of Jyväskylä, Central Finland, on September 02-05, 2020. We are looking forward to seeing you all in Finland; Please make sure that you register through the website for this wonderful event!
Meeting hours: 09:00-18:30 (including coffee / refreshment breaks and lunch)
Workshop Postponed
Dear Neo-PRISM-C Colleagues and participants,
After careful consideration of all parameters regarding the developing COVID-19 international outbreak, the Project Coordinators, in collaboration with the colleagues at the University of Jyväskylä, evaluated all options and decided to postpone the 1st Training Workshop on Methods until September 2-5,2020. The agenda of the meeting has been revised accordingly.
DAY 1: Wednesday September 02, 2020 |
Building | Room | |||
08.30 - 08.50 | Registration | ||||
08.50 - 09.00 | Opening of Methods Workshop | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
09.00 - 09.40 | Tour de table: Presentation of all scientists-in-charge & Introduction of the Partner Organisations | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
09.40 - 10.00 | Discussion | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
10.00 - 10.40 | REA Project Officer presentation | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
10.40 - 11.00 | Discussion | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
11.00 - 11.20 | Coffee Break | ||||
11.20 - 12.00 | Coordinator's report: Presentation of the Network and the progress covering aspects of management | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
12.00 - 12.20 | Discussion | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
12.20 - 13.00 | ESRs’ presentation: background, individual research projects | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
13.00 - 13.20 | Discussion | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
13.20 - 14.20 | Lunch | ||||
14.20 - 15.00 | ESRs' presentation: background, individual research projects | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
15.00 - 15.20 | Discussion | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
15.20 - 16.20 | Supervisory Board meeting I | MC fellows & REA representatives | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | |
16.20 - 16.30 | Break | ||||
16.30 - 17:00 | Feedback from the REA Project Officer on the output of the network so far and open discussion | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
17.00 - 17:30 | Supervisor Networking | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
18.00 - 19.00 | Site visit Faculty of Education and Psychology | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
19.00 | Welcome Dinner | Restaurant Figaro |
DAY 2: Thursday September 03, 2020 |
Building | Room | |||
08.30 - 09.00 | Registration | ||||
09.00 - 09.40 | Introduction to research designs and assessment | Spanoudis (UCY) | Päärakennus – C Building, Universities Main Building | C 311 C4 | |
09.40 - 10.00 | Discussion | Päärakennus – C Building, Universities Main Building | C 311 C4 | ||
10.00 - 10.40 | I-Methodological aspects of treatment studies (e.g., RCT studies) | Tijms (RID) | Päärakennus – C Building, Universities Main Building | C 311 C4 | |
10.40 - 11.00 | Discussion | Päärakennus – C Building, Universities Main Building | C 311 C4 | ||
11.00 - 11.20 | Coffee Break | ||||
11.20 - 12.00 | II-Methodological aspects of treatment studies (e.g., quasi-experimental designs) | Savolainen (JYU) | Päärakennus – C Building, Universities Main Building | C 311 C4 | |
12.00 - 12.20 | Discussion | Päärakennus – C Building, Universities Main Building | C 311 C4 | ||
12.20 - 13.00 | Time management, team-building skills, and human resource management | Kelic (SUVAG) | Päärakennus – C Building, Universities Main Building | C 311 C4 | |
13.00 - 13.20 | Discussion | Päärakennus – C Building, Universities Main Building | C 311 C4 | ||
13.20 - 14.20 | Lunch | ||||
14.20 - 15.20 | ESR Meeting | DOC / EDUC Meeting | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D104 Helena | |
15.20 - 16.00 | Supervisory Board Meeting II | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D104 Helena | ||
16.00 - 16.20 | Break | ||||
16.20 - 16.50 | Supervisors discussions - meeting time between ESRs and their supervisory groups | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D104 Helena | ||
16.50 - 18.00 | Supervisors discussions - meeting time between ESRs and their supervisory groups | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D104 Helena | ||
19.00 | Get together: ESR posters (presentation of projects, approach and methods) | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU aula |
DAY 3: Friday September 04, 2020 |
Building | Room | |||
08.30 - 09.00 | Registration | ||||
09.00 - 09.40 | I - Introduction to brain imaging with MEG/EEG | Hämäläinen (JYU) | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D101 Juho | |
09.40 - 10.00 | Discussion | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D101 Juho | ||
10.00 - 10.40 | Psychophysiological methods (e.g., heart rate, skin conductance, facial EMG) with fNIRS in developmental studies | Panayiotou (UCY) | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D101 Juho | |
10.40 - 11.00 | Discussion | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D101 Juho | ||
11.00 - 11.20 | Coffee Break | ||||
11.20 - 12.00 | Understanding psychopathological symptoms through the combination of brain (fNIRS, TMS) and physiological assessments | Fanti (UCY) | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D101 Juho | |
12.00 - 12.20 | Discussion | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D101 Juho | ||
12.20 - 13.00 | Introduction to eye-tracking | Loberg & Hautala (JYU, NMI) | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D101 Juho | |
13.00 - 13.20 | Discussion | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D101 Juho | ||
13.20 - 14.20 | Lunch | ||||
14.20 - 15.30 | Ia. Hands-on MEG and eye-tracking combined Ib. Hands-on ET |
Kärki, Department of Psychology | MEG Lab / Lab | ||
15.30 - 15.40 | Break | ||||
15.40 - 16.50 | IIa. Hands-on MEG and eye-tracking combined IIb. Hands-on ET |
Kärki, Department of Psychology | MEG Lab / Lab | ||
16.50 - 18.00 | Roundtable discussions on research and methodology of ESRs projects | Ruusupuisto (RUU) Building, Department of Teaching and Teaching Education | RUU D101 Juho | ||
18:30 | Dinner and Saunas | Savutuvan apaja | transfer TBA |
DAY 4: Saturday September 05, 2020 |
Building | Room | |||
08.30 - 09.00 | Registration | ||||
09.00 - 09.40 | Neural basis of learning difficulties | Leppänen (JYU) | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | |
09.40 - 10.00 | Discussion | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
10.00 - 10.40 | Genetic basis of language-related learning difficulties (dyslexia, SLI) I | Bartlett (NCH) | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | |
10.40 - 11.00 | Discussion | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
11.00 - 11.20 | Coffee Break | ||||
11.20 - 12.00 | Genetic basis of language-related learning difficulties | Bartlett (NCH) | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | |
12.00 - 12.20 | Discussion | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
12.20 - 13.00 | An Introduction to Item Response Theory | Sideridis (UOA) | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | |
13.00 - 13.20 | Discussion | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
13.20 - 14.20 | Lunch | ||||
14.20 - 15.00 | VR as an assessment and training environment | Avraamides (SLVS) | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | |
15.00 - 15.20 | Discussion | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
15.20 - 16.00 | Efficient publication procedures | Papadopoulos (UCY) | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | |
16.00 - 16.20 | Refreshments | ||||
16.20 - 16.50 | Roundtable discussions on research and methodology of ESRs projects | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
16.50 - 17.40 | Concluding Meeting – feedback and looking forward | Agora (Ag) | Lea Pulkkisen Sali Ag B431.1 | ||
19:00 | Farewell dinner | Toivola Old Courtyard, Cygnaeuksenkatu 2, 40100 Jyväskylä optional continuing to finnish Karaoke bar |
List of Participants
Prof. Timothy Papadopoulos (Coordinator)
Prof. Georgia Panayiotou
Prof. Marios Avraamides
Dr. George Spanoudis
Center for Applied Neuroscience
Dept. of Psychology
Dr. Kostas Fanti
Dept. of Psychology
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Prof. Paavo Leppanen
Dept. of Psychology
Prof. Minna Torppa
Dept. of Teacher Education
Prof. Mikko Aro
Dept. of Education
Jyväskylä University, Finland
Prof. Valéria Csépe
Dr. Ferenc Honbolygó
Prof. Zoltán Vidnyánszky
Brain Imaging Center (BIC-HAS)
Research Center for Natural Sciences- Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Prof. Olivier Luminet
Psychological Sciences Research Institute-IPSY
Dr. Magali Lahaye
Dept. of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Dr. Bonnie Auyeung
Dept. of Psychology
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Dr. Yiannis Tsaousis
Dr. Panayiota Dimitropoulou
Department of Psychology
University of Crete, Greece
Dr. George Sideridis
Dept. of Primary Education
University of Athens, Greece
Dr. Kleanthis Neokleous
R&I Department
SilverSky, Cyprus
Dr. Juha-Matti Latvala
Niilo Mäki Institute
Niilo Mäki Foundation, Finland
Dr. Jurgen Tijms
Research & Innovation Division
Regionaal Instituut voor Dyslexie B.V. (RID), Netherlands
Prof. Christopher Bartlett
Department of Pediatrics
Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital at the Ohio State University, USA
Dr. Christina Florence Lavallée
Strategic Product Manager
Brain Products GmbH, Germany
Dr. Sam Hutton
European Rep. Office of SR-Research
Mind’s Eye Research Ltd., Sussex Innovation Center, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Dr. Katarina Pavičić Dokoza
Dr. Maja Kelić
Department of Medical Rehabilitation
SUVAG Polyclinic Zagreb, Croatia
Dr. Eleni Karayianni
Executive Board
Cyprus Psychological Association, Cyprus
Prof. Reinout Wiers
Co-supervision of ESR placed at RBC
Dept. of Dev. Psychology
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Prof. Judit Navracsics
Faculty of Modern Philology and Social Sci.
University of Pannonia, Hungary
Jyväskylä has a wide range of hotels to choose from, from hostels offering budget accommodation to cozy boutique hotels and a number of well-furbished quality hotels. The room rates in Finland are reasonable, and the rates include taxes, a buffet breakfast in hotels, often free WIFI and also the opportunity to use the guest sauna.
The organizers have negotiated special rates for the NeoPrismC 1st Training Workshop on Methods participants in Hotel Alba featured below. Hotel Alba lies close to the seminar venue, Jyväskylä University Campus, and about 15 min walk from the city centre and the railway station/bus station (“Matkakeskus” in Finnish). Please note that there is a limited number of special rate rooms available and bookings are made on the “first booked, first reserved” basis – thus booking well in advance is recommended.
Hotel Alba
Ahlmaninkatu 4, 40100 Jyväskylä
Hotel Alba is a privately owned hotel located on the waterfront of Lake Jyväsjärvi. The rooms have lovely views to the lake or the University campus area, and the breakfast keeps you going for hours. From the porch of Hotel Alba starts 5 km and 10 km routes that circles the lake and provides an ideal opportunity for walks or jogging. The hotel provides free WI-FI and the use of guest sauna on certain hours.
Single Room – 68 €/night
Twin Room – 82 €/night (41 € per person per night when shared by two, full rate will be charged if for single use)
Booking by 17 Feb, use the code: neoprismc:
through the hotel website: www.hotellialba.fi or directly on the booking form
Bookings also by e-mail: info@hotellialba.fi, or phone: +358 (0)14 636311
Hotel Alba features a 24 hour front desk, a concierge, and room service, to help make your stay more enjoyable. The property also boasts a sauna and free breakfast. If you are driving to Finlandia Hotel Alba, free parking is available.
Nearby landmarks such as Jyvaskylan satama (0.8 mi) and Kuokkalan silta (0.9 mi) make Finlandia Hotel Alba a great place to stay when visiting Jyväskylä. While in Jyväskylä, you may want to check out some of the restaurants that are a short walk away from Finlandia Hotel Alba, including Figaro Restaurant (0.8 mi), Hualong (0.8 mi), and Le Qulkuri (1.1 mi). If you’re looking for things to do, you can check out Natural History Museum of Central Finland (0.8 mi), Maki-Matin perhepuisto (0.7 mi), or University of Jyvaskyla (0.5 mi).

Alternative Accommodation
For alternatives, the Visit Jyväskylä and Jyväskylä Regional Tourist Information website is a good place to start.

Travel Information
Finland is the eighth-largest country in Europe and the most sparsely populated country in the European Union. It is a top performer in numerous metrics of national performance, including education, economic competitiveness, civil liberties, quality of life, and human development. Finland is a hidden gem tucked into the far up North, a treasure waiting to be discovered.
Finland is a country of vast green forests, beautiful Baltic Sea islands, windswept arctic fells and thousands of blue lakes. These untouched and beautiful landscapes provide habitat for thousands of wild animals and birds – many of which can be seen on arranged wildlife excursions and bird watching sanctuaries. Finland is often called the Land of a Thousand Lakes. A modest name, considering that there are, in fact, 188 000 lakes in the country. As many of these lakes are very large in size, a great part of Finland is covered in water – making Finland distinguishably different from other European countries.
Aurora Borealis
One of the most remarkable features of Finland is light. When the endless sunshine of summer gives way to dark winter, the Northern Lights appear like magic and lighten up the sky. The further north you go, the greater the chances of spotting the Aurora Borealis – in Finnish Lapland they can appear on 200 nights a year. In Helsinki and the south, Aurora can be seen on roughly 20 nights a winter, away from city lights.
Sauna forms a great part of our country’s heritage and culture. It is estimated that there are over two million saunas in Finland. For a population of 5.3 million, this equals to an average of one per household – there’s even one inside the parliament. There are many traditions and practices concerning the sauna experience, but the most important one for the Finns is to relax, purifying both body and mind.
Welcoming everyone to the heart of the Finnish Lakeland, Jvyäskylä!
Jyväskylä is the largest city in the region of Central Finland and on the Finnish Lakeland. Elias Lönnrot, the compiler of the Finnish national epic, the Kalevala, gave the city the nickname “Athens of Finland”. This nickname refers to the major role of Jyväskylä as an educational centre.
Jyväskylä is located about 270km north from Helsinki, on the shore of Finland´s second largest lake, Päijänne. At the time of arrival, the surrounding nature with its lakes and forests will appear as a frozen winter wonderland.
The city itself is known for its young and sportive vibe, being the capital of sport and physical activity of Finland and having an approximate of 42000 students in her population of 142.000. Due to its compact city structure, Jyväskylä is easy to explore by foot or bike.
Culturally the city has a lot to offer, about 28 buildings in the region of Jyväskylä are designed by world-famous architect Alvar Aalto. The loss of sunshine is made up by with Jyväskylä being the leader in urban lightning for about 20 years. As the night falls, the Vesilinna tower at Harju, Kuokkala bridge and the rest of the some 100 permanently lit objects make the city glow.
In March in Jyväskylä average temperature is between -5° to -10°C.
Read more about these places and how to visit them here https://visitjyvaskyla.fi/en
Jyväskylä has an airport, located about 20 km north from the city. Flights come in from Helsinki. It takes about 20 mins by taxi to reach the city center from the airport. There are no public transport connections between the airport and the center.
The flights between Helsinki and Jyväskylä are operated by Finnair. For further info, visit www.finnair.com.
From Helsinki
Jyväskylä can also be reached from Helsinki by train or bus. Depending on the line, the travel time could take between 3 hours and 4 hours. Both modes of transportation arrive to the Travel Centre (Matkakeskus) of Jyväskylä.
Trains from Helsinki
Travelling from Helsinki airport to Jyväskylä by train requires at least one change (through Tikkurila) but the cities are well connected with a regular schedule. Tickets can be purchased online https://www.vr.fi/en Choose Helsinki Airport as your origin.
Buses from Helsinki
Matkahuolto, the finnish national bus company, offers buses between Helsinki and Jyväskylä. These are always direct connections, but to take them, you need to go to the center of Helsinki (the buses start from Kamppi – https://www.kamppi.fi/en).
For prices and further info on the bus schedule visit: https://www.matkahuolto.fi/en
Finnair offers buses between the airport and the Helsinki main train station. For further information, visit https://www.finnair.com/fi/gb/information-services/at-the-airport/transportation . The local public transport of Helsinki has regular commuter trains going from the Helsinki Airport to Helsinki main train station. Tickets cost about 4-5 Euro.
From Tampere
Another alternative is to fly to Tampere. There are direct flights to Tampere from Copenhagen, Stockholm, London, Frankfurt/Hahn, Riga, Berlin, Liverpool and Dublin. Transfer from the airport to Tampere city centre takes less than half an hour. Jyväskylä can then easily be reached by train from Tampere in approximately one and a half hours.
Reminder: You should apply for a visa in good time, in case of any delays during processing.
If you require a visa invitation or confirmation letter, please email us at info@easyconferences.eu.
You will not need a visa if you are a citizen of a Nordic country or an EU Member State. Similarly, no visa is required if you are a citizen of a visa-free country and you have a valid passport or a comparable travel document.
Even if you did not need a visa to visit Finland, you need a valid passport or some other travel document accepted by Finland. It must be valid for at least ninety days after your intended date of departure from the Schengen area. In addition, the passport or other travel document must have been issued no later than ten years ago. In case you do not need a visa, you can stay in Finland or in the territory of other Schengen state for ninety days in any 180-day period (Finland is a Schengen member state).
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is responsible for visas
You may apply for a visa outside Finland from a Finnish embassy operating under the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Finnish embassies also make decisions on the granting of visas. Information on visa application, period of validity and visa fees can be found on the website of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland https://um.fi/visa-to-visit-finland
Social Events
Welcome Dinner
Date: Wednesday, Sep 02 2020
Time: 19:00
Place: Restaurant Figaro
Our Neo-PRISM-C welcome dinner will take place at the Restaurant & Winebistro Figaro in the Jyväskylä city center.
Get-together & ESR poster presentations
Date: Thursday, Sep 03 2020
Time: 19:00
Place: Aula Ruusupuisto
We will come together and get up to date on the individual research projects. Enjoy some snacks, drinks, and discussion while ESRs present posters outlining their research plans.
Savutuvan Apaja: Dinner & Sauna
Date: Friday, Sep 04 2020
Time: 19:00
Place: Savutuvan Apaja
We will become familiar with Finnish culture at Savutuvan Apaja – located in Haapaniemi, a small island around 12 km away from the University of Jyväskylä. There we will enjoy a delicious local dinner and experience the relaxing Finnish Sauna tradition. Towels and sauna accessories will be provided and there will be separate saunas for Ladies and Gentlemen. To round up the evening, let’s have a refreshing dip into the lake Päijänne after sauna, bring your bathing suits!
Farewell Party
Date: Saturday, Sep 05 2020
Time: 19:00
Place: Restaurant Toivolan
We will close our meeting with a Farewell Party at the Toivolan restaurant on Saturday, 21st of March. Let’s enjoy our last evening with a nice dinner and celebrate our progress, new experiences, and anticipation to our next project meeting in Fall 2020!